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Knife Grips!

Almost no topic involving edged weapons is more widely debated by people who know nothing about the blade in the first place than the usage of knife grip methods.

While some argue the Reverse Grip is the sign of an educated knife practitioner, others say that the Standard Grip is the same.

Of the 4 Primary Grip Methods, each has it’s own usages and limitations. And educated knife practitioner understands those characteristics and applies what he/she needs.

In the realm of self defense, often the way you grab a non-projectile weapon is how you have to use it. For example…if I needed a blade in a home defense situation and ran thru my kitchen and grabbed one off the counter top in reverse grip….guess how I am using it?! Or if I pull the blade from my pocket and it opens in a manner that is standard grip…guess how I need to use it!

Grip Methods can be important in certain circumstances, but they aren’t indicative of any particular level of expertise. Tactic, movement, distance, timing etc are far more important. Afterall…the knife is simply an extension of me. It doesn’t operate without me commanding it.

Be Safe, Be Well-


Nik Farooqui

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