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The increasing crime rates have made the need for home defense training stronger than ever before. An area of growing concern is the occupied home invasion, an incident where you and your house are confronted with an imminent and potentially lethal threat by an intruder(s).


An intruder breaking into your home is a classic instance of an unexpected danger. Unless you are prepared, you wouldn’t be able to do much, even if you keep a firearm at home. Home defense training prepares you for this unique situation in different ways, such as using evasion, barricade and countering the threat, so that you can protect yourself and your family against impending danger. Similar to a fire drill, citizens also need to formulate and practice a defensive strategy in case of an intruder.


Many people would freeze out of shock or fear, when they hear a window or door creak in the middle of the night. Home defense training prepares you mentally as well as physicallyin case someone breaks in. If you’re not mentally ready, even the best plans won’t protect you or your family against an intruder. Home defense training prepares you by understanding the layout of your home, manipulating that layout to your advantage, and placing priorities of life/plan of action in order.


As good citizens we find comfort in alarm systems, security dogs, surveillance cameras, and life-alert systems. All of these are excellent options and an integral part in keeping your family safe; however they are only a part of the equation. We know the average response time for law enforcement on a residential burglary call is approximately 12 minutes. In that 12 minutes a violent encounter can manifest, run its course, and the subject can escape easily and without any police intervention. Our safety is our own responsibility and there is no room to for mistakes.

To learn more about home defense training in Texas by S2 Strategic Defense, call 630-780-0054 for a free consultation or visit

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