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Weapon vs Weapon Training!
In the past 2 weeks I have had probably 5 people ask me why we train weapon vs weapon, and if it is realistic. Fair question to be honest!
There are a few ways to look at Weapon vs Weapon training that I don’t think many people understand so let me give you a snapshot of it.
1. Nothing develops ATTRIBUTES like timing, distancing, awareness like weapons training. Think about the Kali stick…if my punch moves at 50mph, the end of the weapon might be double that! So having to deal with that kind of speed or power places a heavier command on my footwork, distance, angles, reflex etc.
2. To say that weapon vs weapon training is unrealistic is UNREALISTIC! If I see an attacker that has a weapon, or a circumstance that is violent enough that I feel I need a weapon….guess what I am doing asap? GRABBING A WEAPON! It can be an intended weapon such as a firearm, knife, baton/asp…or an improvised weapon like a baseball bat, bottle, pool cue, t-shirt or belt. The had a weapon…I grabbed a weapon….Now it is weapon vs weapon. Seem unrealistic?
3. Many of the drills developed for weapon vs weapon are about having a cycle that allows both sides to train. Not everything is about technique or tactic…but about liveness in training to develop movement and familiarity.
There are many benefits of training Weapon vs Weapon, too many to list here. But I hope this gives some insight on it.
If time permits and you’d like to see it, I will make a couple quick videos to illustrate my point and place it on our YouTube and Facebook Channels! Make sure you subscribe/follow us there! 

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